Thursday, July 18, 2013

Unconscionable That Our Own Govt Betrays Our Interests & Constitution

Unconscionable That Our Own Govt Betrays Our Interests & Constitution

I’m incensed that the DOJ, Eric Holder and the jackbooted thugs of that agency, the ATF and the career bureaucrats who can’t find a real crime and therefore manufacture them, and the White house (seeming more everyday like a whorehouse by selling itself) appears bent upon the destruction of the fabric of our nation and Constitution. This is just another extension of the proof that this is the most treasonous, corrupt, vile and tyrannical administration we have ever had in our nation.
Not only did officials approve, allow and assist in the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel — the federal government used taxpayer money to buy semi-automatic weapons, then re-sold them to criminals and watched as the guns disappeared.  Over the course of this hare-brained scheme, the government thugs spent over 1.25 million on gun purchases and in June of 2010 actually admitted that not only where they the buyer but the actual seller of guns too.
Agent Dodson was ordered to buy six semi-automatic Draco pistols –  then sold the weapons to known illegal buyers, while fellow agents were ordered to let the sales go unimpeded observing the entire transaction.  They didn’t follow or attempt to monitor either the weapons or the buyers, they just let them go.  Ask any law enforcement agent, even a police patrolman about that as a sting strategy and you’ll get an earful about what a pathetic operation this actually was.
What this really tells us is — that was the plan all along.  Over the course of the investigation numerous references have been made that the real intent of Gunrunner was to build public pressure for the ATF to use in the recent UN Small Arms AAT Treaty push.  The Hegelian Dialectic in perfect form.  Create a crisis, wait for the demands for government to ‘do something’ and then use the mandate to eliminate vital constitutional protections.
If you think this is all tin-foil hat stuff, despite the massive empirical supporting evidence in congressional testimony, e-mails, documents and whistle-blower statements made under oath; even if you try to give these thugs the benefit of the doubt and say its just poor judgement or mistakes, AND we assume that 100% of their actions and policies are unintentional, the mathematical odds of this occurring are astronomical at best.  To borrow a phrase.. “even a blind squirrel can find a nut occasionally”.  Translation?  It is impossible for every action, every policy, every ‘initiative’, every ‘program’ ad infinitum to be simply poor judgement or bad luck.  FDR is attributed with the following quote; “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
This was beyond a doubt; intentional.  Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Healthcare, DOJ abuses, TARP, Bailouts, Favoritism, Union Payback and so many other evidences of corruption clearly point to the true intent and goals of our ‘progressive’ movement.  American’s can either wake up or remain asleep during the ensuing ‘transformation’ that delivers them to the status of 1970′s style Soviet Russia.  In the words of Ayn Rand; “You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of reality”.
Big Brother and Totalitarianism are rampant. See new healthcare rules on monitoring your health records, the shame of Gunrunner, Wiretapping, the NSA, the FBI with carnivore (still very much alive) and Echelon.  What was once the local ‘conspiracy theorist’ in your group of friends and acquaintances is now the resident prophet only a mere few years later.
Beware.  Those who refuse to acknowledge the present ruthlessness and intent of the statists in our midst are doomed to be surprised by the imminent conflagration that is virtually guaranteed at this point.  Watch the actions of this admin over the course of the next few months because it should make every unbeliever a stalwart patriot.
“Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.”  ― Thomas Jefferson
This was not a comment made in jest. It was a warning.

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