Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama’s DOJ Puts ‘Hold’ On Zimmerman’s Gun – Despite Florida Mandating It Be Returned To Him

Obama’s DOJ Puts ‘Hold’ On Zimmerman’s Gun – Despite Florida Mandating It Be Returned To Him

Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Department of Justice is making the first lawless moves to involve itself in the George Zimmerman case by putting a hold on the evidence from the Florida trial as well as sequestering Zimmerman’s gun despite that Florida law says it must be returned.
Sanford Police have confirmed that Obama’s US Attorney General, Eric Holder, has put his lock on the trial records and told all local authorities not to return any records or return Zimmerman’s gun. If the DOJ follows through Zimmerman will be charged with “civil rights” violations.
So, this is an obvious sign that Obama and his crew are preparing to indict George Zimmerman on some shady “civil rights” charges. Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the murder of Trayvon Martin, but if the feds take him to court it will be for some more amorphous “civil rights” charges, not murder.
WESH, Orlando has confirmed that Sanford authorities have been told to lock everything up by Obama’s DOJ.
But, does it make any sense at all to bring Zimmerman up on “civil rights” charges? Few say it is a good idea.
Defense attorney Mark O’Mara has said that he feels that Zimmerman’s gun should be destroyed instead of given back to the accused but that isn’t how the law in Florida works.
But O’Mara has pointed out there there has been no evidence at all that Zimmerman acted with racial motivations on that fateful night. After all, Zimmerman has African Americans in his own family, dated a black girl in high school, voted for Obama and also helped tutor black kids.
O’Mara also says that he is looking into filing charges himself saying that the feds withheld information that was important to the trial.
Meanwhile, George Zimmerman is pursuing another lawsuit of his own. He filed it last December, but now he is going full bore to sue NBC for deceptively editing audio that made him sound racist.
So, what do you think? Will the DOJ follow through or is this only about temporarily placating racebaiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

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