Wednesday, July 17, 2013

TOP SECRET: Obama Tapes Thank You Video To Librarians For Agreeing To Sell Obamacare, White House Bans Public From Seeing It…

TOP SECRET: Obama Tapes Thank You Video To Librarians For Agreeing To Sell Obamacare, White House Bans Public From Seeing It…

H/T Weasel Zippers
H/T Weasel Zippers
White House officials vetoed all public airing of a video of President Obama thanking the American Library Association Sunday for helping inform the public about Obamacare.
“We were specifically told by the White House to only show it [the video] once to conference attendees, and [the] White House said we aren’t able to send it out,” Jazzy Wright, Press Officer for ALA’s Washington, D.C. office, told the Washington Examiner.
The ALA, which is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) foundation, agreed last weekend during its annual meeting in Chicago to help the president get the word out about Obamacare.
As a result of the partnership between Obama and the group, librarians across the country will be “navigators” handing out White House-approved information about the new government health insurance program.
In the video, the chief executive thanked conference attendees “for helping enroll for health insurance as part of the Affordable Care Act,” according to the ALA’s blog. Read more via The Washington Examiner...

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