Friday, July 19, 2013

Is Oday Aboushi the Jets new player an Islamic Extremist?

Is Oday Aboushi the Jets new player an Islamic Extremist?

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Oday AboushiOday Aboushi was picked in the fifth round of the NFL draft by the New York Jets. Oday has signed a four-year rookie contract with the team. He is one of the few practicing Muslims in the NFL. Oday speaks both Arabic and English and calls himself a Palestinian-American.
Oday gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference held by a group who is Anti Semitic and promotes terrorist propaganda. This has raised some concern but most people still have no idea of this athletes connections to some very radical groups. The group for which he spoke named El-Bireh Palestine Society has a past guest list that includes: Fouad Rafeedie a high-ranking member of a Palestinian Liberation terrorist group. Another speaker was Osama Siblani a supporter of Hezbollah and Hamas. The mosque in which the event was held in is owned by a group which finances millions of dollars to Hamas.
The New York Jets released a statement defending Oday saying “the team believes in diversity and tolerance.” I’m sorry but given the NFL’s track record lately (ahem Hernandez ahem) I just don’t think there is the slightest chance anyone has looked into his background outside of stats. Given this information it does not make me feel too comfortable that Aboushi will be playing in packed football stadiums he will have largely unfettered access to. I guess we really shouldn’t expect a better vetting process than Washington’s [Van Jones] Since he attended this conference how could he not know who these people were and what they support? Everyone at the conference obviously has the same views on issues and faith.

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