Saturday, July 20, 2013

: Whistleblower David Chase Taylor In Swiss Court June 25, 2013

LATEST: Whistleblower David Chase Taylor In Swiss Court June 25, 2013

On September 28, 2012, the Swiss federal government officially repealed Article 19, Paragraph 2 of the Swiss Asylum Act. The former law stated that the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich was legally responsible for handling David Chase Taylor's case for political asylum. The “urgent” change to the Swiss Asylum Act dictates that the Federal Office of Migration in Bern, Switzerland is now legally responsible for handling Taylor's case. The unprecedented legal maneuver essentially erases all legal progress and case files made with the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich since Taylor applied for political asylum on March 8, 2011. The new change in policy curiously expires on September 28, 2015, just 10 weeks after Taylor's Swiss "B" Permit expires on July 19, 2015. To date, ALL official requests by Taylor for a legal and biding document specifically stating which Swiss asylum laws apply to his case for political asylum have been denied. By denying Taylor this document, Swiss asylum laws can continue to be changed at will with no legal ramifications whatsoever.

Switzerland’s Reputation At Stake:
Nuclear Whistleblower Being Denied Political Asylum

It has now been over 800 days since whistleblower journalist David Chase Taylor has been denied political asylum in Switzerland. Taylor officially applied for asylum on March 8, 2011, shortly after publishing information which essentially caught the Obama administration red-handed attempting to conduct a state-sponsored act of nuclear terror at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011.

Since applying for political asylum, the treatment of Taylor by certain factions of the Swiss government, namely the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich, is shocking and unprecedented according to Swiss citizens monitoring Taylor’s case. Taylor, who is both a U.S. and E.U. citizen, has been subjugated to Swiss refugee laws and procedures which ultimately strip away all of his inherent U.S. and E.U. rights. Despite being issued a Swiss “B” Residence Permit, which essentially guarantees him the same rights as a Swiss citizen, Taylor is being treated exactly like a political refugee who just entered Switzerland illegally with no form of identification.

Access: Switzerland’s Reputation At Stake: Nuclear Whistleblower David Chase Taylor Denied Political Asylum

In essence, the Swiss government is asking Taylor to give up all of his legal rights, passports and permits before they ever consider granting him political asylum. The downside to the refugee asylum process is that if Taylor complies and is not granted political asylum, he will be forced to leave Switzerland within 48 hours. Despite the political persecution, Taylor has publically vowed that he will never give up his quest for political asylum nor his right to be treated as a legal law abiding citizen of both the United Stated and Germany. .

As of September 18, 2012, Taylor began flying a large American flag outside of his apartment window in a symbolic gesture of conviction that he will prevail despite all the trials and tribulations he must endure. In what appears to be a good sign of things to come, Taylor’s apartment just happens to be located directly over the Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende which is theoretically supposed to help people with their asylum cases in Switzerland.

Failure to Answer
In official letters sent to the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich dated March 14, 2012, April 17, 2012, and September 17, 2012, the following legal question has been repeatedly asked in respect to Taylor’s case:

Is David Chase Taylor’s case for political asylum governed under Swiss refugee/asylum law [Asylum Act 142.31], and if not, what legal statute(s) is David Chase Taylor’s for case for political asylum governed under?

To date, this very basic legal question has not been answered. Is it possible that Taylor’s case is in fact not governed under Swiss refugee/asylum law [Asylum Act 142.31] and that Taylor is purposely being misled and misinformed about his legal rights under Swiss law? After a lengthy phone conversation between Taylor and Jans Lietz, an attorney for the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich, Taylor was guaranteed a written answer to the aforementioned legal question. Instead of getting an answer, Taylor was contacted by a student /trainee/intern (see below), who aside from not being legally able to practice law in Switzerland, failed to answer the question.    

Mr. Fricker
In an unprecedented legal maneuver, the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich appointed a law student /trainee/intern with only one declared name to handle legal inquiries and communication in Taylor’s case for political asylum. Despite repeatedly asking for a legal, lawful and binding response to the question of which statute Taylor’s case falls under, one “Fricker, M.A. HSG in Law” officially responded to Taylor inquiry in letters dated April 11, 2012, and April 19, 2012. By the declared title alone, this individual does not have the legal authority to practice law in Switzerland or act on behalf of the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich and the Swiss government. Therefore, any subsequent pseudo-official response from this individual is not legally binding and borders on legal malpractice.

The appointment of a non-lawyer to handle legal matters in Taylor’s case appears to be calculated move by the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich to gain plausible deniability if and when Taylor’s case gains national or international attention. This move basically allows the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich to act outside of Swiss law while simultaneously giving themselves a premeditated legal loophole to jump through if and when the media or the Swiss public catch on to Taylor’s case.

Petition for Withdrawal of Asylum
Despite numerous letters, phone calls and emails from Taylor to the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich pleading for political asylum, the rogue government office had the impudence to send a letter dated March 23, 2012, formally asking Taylor to withdraw his bid for political asylum. The audacious request clearly shows a blatant disregard for the seriousness of Taylor’s case and while the motive behind the letter is not clear, it is possible that the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich was hoping that Taylor would mistakenly sign the letter due to his lack of fluency in the German language. Regardless, Taylor has stated on the record that he will never sign any document relinquishing his right to political asylum in Switzerland.

Legal Representation Denied
Due to the unprecedented unprofessionalism exhibited by the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich, David Chase Taylor sought legal representation and has personally contacted over 50 asylum attorneys within Switzerland. Although some attorneys contacted were not initially interested, about a dozen or so took great interest in Taylor’s case and planned to meet with him at a future date.

In every single case to date, all Swiss attorneys remotely interested in representing Taylor suddenly changed their mind and quickly cut off all communication with Taylor, all before ever meeting with him. The attorneys in question curiously failed to return phone calls and emails or stated that they were too busy, had to go out of town or that they were no longer interested in the case. While one can speculate about the motives behind their sudden lack of interest, it appears that Taylor’s case is just way too controversial to handle. 


To date, the actions or lack thereof exhibited by the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich indicate that outside forces may be at play in Taylor’s case. After all, Taylor’s case is being ignored and delayed by a rogue branch of the Swiss government which has historically functioned in accordance with Swiss law. If there was in fact a concerted agenda to ignore, delay and ultimately dismiss Taylor’s case, what would the underlying motive be?

The information released by Taylor in The Nuclear Bible and his subsequent case for political asylum are dangerously unique, historically unprecedented and are already proving to be geopolitical game-changers. Theoretically, if Taylor is ever granted political asylum in Switzerland, the Swiss government would be admitting in a de facto manner that Taylor’s life is in inherent danger and that the U.S. Federal government is indeed guilty of attempting to conduct state-sponsored nuclear terrorism upon its own citizens.

Naturally, that Swiss media and the international press would eventually pick up on a nuclear terror whistleblower and a global media storm would likely ensue. Obviously, that cannot be allowed to happen and therefore it appears that Taylor’s case for political asylum will ultimately be dismissed by Swiss authorities until the public pressure is too much to bear.
As of September 18, 2012, Taylor began flying a large American flag outside of his apartment window in a symbolic gesture of conviction that he will prevail despite all the trials and tribulations he must endure. In what appears to be a good sign of things to come, Taylor’s apartment just happens to be located directly over the Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende which is theoretically supposed to help people with their asylum cases in Switzerland.  

Regardless of what illegalities has transpired to date, the Swiss government still has the opportunity to help the world’s most endangered journalist. There is no question why David Chase Taylor is in need of political asylum, only why he is currently being denied. How Switzerland ultimately acts in respect to Taylor’s case will likely have profound historical implications, especially in respect to Switzerland’s reputation as an oasis of political neutrality, rule of law and political refuge. Something has to give; the question is what, when and where?

America’s Most Wanted: The Case Of David Chase Taylor

—  Ripped from the news headlines, David Chase Taylor's legal fight for political asylum in Switzerland is possibly the most daring and compelling case ever assembled. Involving the Super Bowlnuclear terrorism and the Obama administration, Taylor's case is unique, shocking and definitely one of a kind.

On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a "Nuclear 9/11". What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. 

Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylor’s free ebook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. The Nuclear Bible, which took Taylor over a year to research and write, exposed the nuclear terror plot using over 1,000 mainsteam and alternative news articles. 

Access: America’s Most Wanted: The Case Of David Chase Taylor

After publishing The Nuclear Bible, Taylor conducted multiple radio interviews and phoned numerous intelligence and law enforcement agencies throughout America to personally ensure that no acts of terror were conducted on his fellow American citizens. Overwhelming direct and circumstantial evidence has now surfaced in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot which unequivocally shows that Taylor's actions did indeed stop, or at least postpone, a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon America.  

The Focus of Intelligence Services

Based on the sudden interest in David Chase Taylor by U.S. intelligence services immediately after the release of The Nuclear Bible, Taylor, anticipating retaliation and fearing for his life, applied for political asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011.

Evidence that foreign intelligence services were interested in Taylor first emerged in the form of a February 1, 2011, phone conversation between David Chase Taylor and Officer Olivier Ruembeli of the Swiss Federal Criminal Police. During the phone conversation, Taylor was informed by Officer Ruembeli that an immediate meeting in Bern, Switzerland, was wanted based on the demands of U.S. intelligence services.

This demand was later reiterated in a February 3, 2011, email whereby Officer Ruembeli informed Taylor that "U.S. intelligence services" have "demands that we [Switzerland] act."Despite repeated verbal and written attempts by Taylor to inform Officer Ruembeli that he was not interested in meeting with anybody, Officer Ruembeli continued to contact Taylor in hopes of gaining a meeting to satisfy the intelligence demands.

Most recently, U.S. Army intelligence officer James Wesley Rawles lashed out at Taylor stating, “Taylor's request for asylum in Switzerland has apparently been ignored because it is groundless and unsubstantiated. His visa status in Switzerland is tenuous, at best.” Cleary, U.S. and NATO intelligence agents hoping that Taylor is not issued political asylum in Switzerland so they can eventually have their way with him.

Citizen or Refugee?

Since first applying for political asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011, David Chase Taylor has been repeatedly denied legal expediency and answers in respect to his political asylum case. The main legal question pending in Taylor’s case today is whether or not Taylor will be treated as a refugee or as a citizen.

Currently, Taylor is being told that there is no legal differentiation between a journalist who is both an EU and American citizen residing in Switzerland with a valid Swiss “B” residence permit, and that of a refugee from a 3rd world country who has entered Switzerland illegally.

Should Taylor subject himself to the refugee asylum process, which totally disregards his E.U., U.S., and Swiss “B” residence permit [Valid until 2015], his current status as a legal resident of Switzerland will ultimately be jeopardized. Essentially, the Swiss government is asking Taylor to give up ALL of his legal rights in order to initiate the asylum process.

I. Upon surrendering his U.S. and German passport, as is required in the asylum application process under Swiss asylum/refugee law [Asylum Act 142.31], Taylor’s current Swiss “B” residence permit [Valid until 2015] would automatically be invalidated based on the fact that he no longer has in his possession the German passport which the Swiss “B” residence permit is based on.

II. According to Swiss asylum/refugee law [Asylum Act 142.31],upon submitting an application for political asylum, Taylor would subsequently be issued a Swiss “N” residence permit and his current Swiss “B” residence permit [Valid until 2015] would become void.

III. Should Taylor’s application for political asylum be denied, as is always possible, at best he would have to reapply for a new Swiss “B” residence permit and there is no guarantee he would receive another. At worst, he could be immediately deported out of Switzerland as is clearly stated in Swiss refugee/asylum law [Asylum Act 142.31].

The Legal Question
Clearly, Taylor’s life is in real danger. He obviously cannot risk subjecting himself to inapplicable refugee laws, the Swiss “N” residence permit and the chance of not receiving another Swiss “B” residence permit. Anything that would put Taylor at risk of potential deportation from Switzerland is a bold step in the wrong direction.

Therefore, legal clarification is needed in Taylor’s case as to whether he is in fact bound by the refugee/asylum law. The following question been repeatedly posed to Taylor’s case handler, Ms. Nelly Davoli, as well as an attorney Mr. Jans Lietz at the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich:

Is Taylor’s case for political asylum governed under Swiss refugee/asylum law [Asylum Act 142.31], and if not, what legal statute(s) is Taylor’s for case for political asylum governed under?

To date, both Davoli and Lietz have failed to address the legal question posed by Taylor. Is Taylor being denied his right to political asylum under E.U. and U.S. citizen? And if not, why is a country as legally sound as Switzerland enforcing blanket laws in which EU and American citizens are subjugated to the same legal policies and procedures as refugees from 3rd world countries?

As of April 3, 2012, all emails and letters sent in respect to this most basic legal questions have failed to be answered by Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich and their legal department.

Switzerland’s Reputation at Stake

For centuries, people who have been persecuted for political reasons have sought asylum in Switzerland. The reason for this lies not only in Switzerland’s geographical position but in their unique state of political neutrality. According to Switzerland's asylum policy: "Any person who is threatened or persecuted in their home country in accordance with criteria recognised under international law will be granted asylum in Switzerland".

Given the history of Switzerland and their stated asylum policy, one would think that the obvious interest in David Chase Taylor by intelligence services along with the mounting evidence in respect to The Nuclear Bible and Super Bowl XLV would suffice in his case for political asylum, especially considering the torture, assassination, illegal rendition and secret prisons that U.S. and NATO are affiliated with.

If David Chase Taylor is ever forced to leave Switzerland there is little doubt that:

1. Taylor may be TORTURED in retaliation for his journalistic endeavors
2. Taylor may be SET-UP, CONVICTED, & IMPRISONED for crimes not committed
3. Taylor may be EXTRADITED to a secret prison
4. Taylor may be ASSASSINATED in order to silence his case
5. Taylor may be KIDNAPPED (Illegal Rendition) 

Right now, the government of Switzerland has an opportunity to help the world’s most endangered journalist. There is no question why David Chase Taylor is in need of political asylum, only why he is currently being denied due process under Swiss law. How Switzerland ultimately ends up handling the case of Taylor will have historical implications and will likely dictate the fate of political asylum on an international level.

An Open Letter To The Citizens Of Switzerland

SWITZERLAND, Zürich —  Right now, the government of Switzerland has an opportunity to help the world’s most endangered journalist. There is no question why David Chase Taylor is in need of political asylum, only why he is currently being denied.
Peace, human rights, rule of law and political sovereignty are touted as being Swiss qualities, yet Taylor’s case for political asylum in Switzerland is repeatedly being ignored, delayed, and ultimately dismissed due to a lack of commitment to the aforementioned principles.

An Open Letter To The Citizens Of Switzerland
That is why supporters of David Chase Taylor are collectively calling on the Swiss government to act with the boldness and urgency that this case demands. Switzerland cannot stop at making human rights declarations in legal statutes; they must execute them in principle and ultimately put their words into action.
At this critical juncture in world history, Switzerland must reaffirm their commitment to the human rights and act in a way that is genuine and beyond reproach. After all, if Switzerland is unwilling to give political asylum to a journalist whose actions saved the lives of millions, then who are they willing to give it to?
Supporters of Swiss Asylum for David Chase Taylor

Taylor's Swiss Political Asylum Experience 

Legal Status

David Chase Taylor is an American journalist, teacher, author and researcher living in Zürich, Switzerland. A model citizen with no criminal record, Taylor holds a U.S. citizenship, a German citizenship, and an Ausländerausweis "B" (Foreign Nationals Resident Permit "B") all in good standing. Read More
Taylor's Reasons for Political AsylumAlthough David Chase Taylor only needs one good reason for political asylum, he has five. These reasons are backed up by hard evidence which shows beyond a reasonable doubt that the life and safety of Taylor is now at stake.

1. The Nuclear Bible
There is no doubt that David Chase Taylor's book entitled The Nuclear Bible drew the ire of U.S. intelligence services as evidenced by the communication between Taylor and Swiss authorities on February 2-3, 2011. So irate were they with Taylor and his book that they "demanded" that Swiss authorities act on their behalf. A year before The Nuclear Bible was released, Taylor sent out a similar but smaller document entitled Super Bowl XLIV: Obama's Nuclear 9/11 just prior to Super Bowl XLIV on February 7, 2010. Interestingly, no U.S. intelligence services bothered to try and interrogate him. Read More

2. Torture
Both the United States and various NATO nations currently and openly participate in torture. Should Taylor ever leave Switzerland, there is little doubt that he will be subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. Read More

3. Assassination: 
The United States has openly engaged in political assassinations and states that they will execute American citizens worldwide, not matter what country they are living in. Should Taylor ever leave Switzerland, he may be assassinated in retaliation for his journalistic endeavors. Read More

4. Illegal Rendition (Kidnapping):
The United States currently and openly participates in illegal rendition or kidnapping. Unless Taylor is granted political asylum, he may eventually be forced to leave Switzerland where he may be subjected to illegal rendition and imprisonment. Read More

5. Secret Prisons & Indefinite Detention:
Both the United States and NATO nations currently and openly operate secret prisons where there is no legal process or rule of law. Should Taylor be removed from Switzerland, it is highly likely that he will be imprisoned indefinitely where he will be subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. Read More
Asylum Appointments
In response to David Chase Taylor's March 8, 2011, and April 8, 2011, asylum letters to the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich, Taylor finally received a letter in response dated April 13, 2011, with his first asylum appointment date for May 24, 2011. When Taylor arrived for his May 24, 2011, appointment, he was accompanied by Janaki Felske, a Swiss citizen.

At the 10:00 AM appointment time, Taylor was subsequently told that the employee responsible for his case was sick and unavailable to meet with him. Taylor was then told that a letter with a new appointment date would be mailed out in the next few days. When Taylor asked to meet with another employee regarding his case, Taylor's request was denied. Upon further questioning, Taylor was told that a woman named "Ms. Davoli" was specifically responsible for his case and that she “knows [Taylor's] docs very well”.

Taylor then asked if he could receive documentation that he appeared for his May 24, 2011, appointment, but his request was denied. Taylor then asked for a manger who obliged Taylor's request by stamping and then writing a hand written note on the official April 13, 2011, appointment letter (see right-hand lower corner of letter below). With numerous employees present, Taylor was denied his legal right to fill out an asylum application and initiate the asylum process. To date, the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich has failed to send Taylor a new appointment letter. Read More

Asylum LettersDavid Chase Taylor has sent 5 official letters (March 8, 2011, April 8, 2011, May 30, 2011, June 16, 2011, and October 17, 2011) via registered Swiss Post to the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich requesting an appointment to exercise his legal right to fill out an asylum application and initiate the asylum process. To date, Taylor's request for an appointment has been denied. Read More
Asylum Emails
David Chase Taylor has sent 2 emails (May 30, 2011, and June 3, 2011) to employees at the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich requesting an appointment to exercise his legal right to fill out an asylum application and initiate the asylum process. To date, Taylor's request for an appointment has been denied. Read More

Asylum Phone Calls
David Chase Taylor called the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich on June 23, 2011, to request an appointment to exercise his legal right to fill out an asylum application and initiate the asylum process. Taylor's initial call was eventually returned, but to date, his request an appointment has been denied. Read More

U.S. Demands on Switzerland
In 2011 alone, multiple cases surfaced in which the U.S. government openly pressured and publicly demanded that Switzerland change their legal policies in regards to banking and travel visas. David Chase Taylor's case for political asylum in Switzerland is no different.

Based on the actions and inactions of the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich, it is now widely assumed that they are receiving political pressure from the U.S. and its intelligence services. The U.S. pressure is a desperate attempt to pressure the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich to ignore, delay and ultimately reject Taylor's case for political asylum in Switzerland.

What demands, legal or illegal, the U.S. is making on members of the Swiss government in regards to Taylor's case unknown, but U.S. intelligence services have previously demanded that Switzerland act in regards to Taylor.

Evidence of U.S. political demands on Switzerland first emerged in the form of a February 1, 2011, phone conversation between David Chase Taylor and Officer Olivier Ruembeli of the Swiss Federal Criminal Police. During the phone conversation, Taylor was informed by Officer Ruembeli that an immediate meeting in Bern, Switzerland, was wanted based on the demands of U.S. intelligence services.

This demand was later reiterated in a February 3, 2011, email whereby Officer Ruembeli informed Taylor that "U.S. intelligence services" have "demands that we [Switzerland] act." (see email below)
Despite repeated verbal and written attempts by Taylor to inform Officer Ruembeli that he was not interested in meeting with anybody, Officer Ruembeli continued to contact Taylor in hopes of gaining a meeting to satisfy U.S. demands. Read More
The Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende
Prior to filing for asylum in Switzerland, David Chase Taylor contacted the Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende in Zürich, Switzerland. The Zücher Beratungsstelle is a private non-profit organization responsible for helping with Swiss related asylum questions and cases.

During his first visit to the Zücher Beratungsstelle, Taylor met with Ms. Kathrin Stutz who stated that in order to initiate the process of asylum in Switzerland, Taylor would have to physically apply for asylum at one of the BFM-Empfangszentren locations in Vallorbe, Kreuzlingen, Basel, Chiasso, or Altstätten, or personally appear at the Bundesamt für Migration in Bern, Switzerland.

Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende deals with asylum cases every day, yet they gave Taylor information that directly conflicts with Swiss law:

"Applicants who already have a valid residence permit for Switzerland may submit their application directly to the Aliens Police of the canton of domicile” (Swiss Gov, 2012).

"An asylum application is defined as a request by a foreign national for protection in Switzerland. There are no requirements regarding in what form an application may be submitted; it may be submitted orally or in writing to a Swiss mission abroad, at a frontier post or at the customs post of a Swiss airport. On submitting a request for asylum, the applicant is required to inform the Swiss authorities of his identity and submit proof of his identity, if possible, by means of official documentation. The applicant is further required to give an account of the reasons for leaving his home country. Asylum seekers, who are aware of the significance of the proceedings, make an effort to submit relevant proof of their personal situation” (Swiss Gov, 2012).

The Basel Empfangszentren 
Based on the advice of Ms. Kathrin Stutz at the Zürcher Beratungsstella für Asylsuchende, David Chase Taylor appeared in person at the Basel Empfangszentren, located at Freiburgerstrasse 50, 4057 Basel, Switzerland, on February of 2011. Taylor was accompanied by his girlfriend when he met with an unidentified employee who stated the following:
1. In order for to initiate his asylum procedure in Switzerland, Taylor would have to stay in Basel Empfangszentren, a prison like facility (see photo), for an undisclosed amount of time. Upon further questioning, Taylor was told that his stay at the Basel Empfangszentren would likely be anywhere between 7 to 10 days, but it was impossible know the length of incarceration.
2. Taylor was also told that he would have to be vaccinated for a number of different diseases, despite the fact that he holds both U.S. and German citizenships and has already obtained an Ausländerausweis "B" (Foreign Nationals Resident Permit "B").
Swiss Asylum Law
The information given by Ms. Stutz of the ZBA and the Basel Empfangszentren employee was categorically incorrect and blatantly misleading. David Chase Taylor is legally able to apply for asylum at the Office of Migration for the Canton of Zürich since he is a German citizen and holds an Ausländerausweis "B" (Foreign Nationals Resident Permit "B"). Taylor is not obligated to take any vaccinations or be forced to reside in the prison like facility as stated by the Basel Empfangszentren employee. Why the aforementioned individuals purposely disseminated fraudulent information regarding basic Swiss asylum procedure is unknown, but U.S. demands on Switzerland may have played a role. Read More

Current Violations of Taylor's Swiss Constitutional Rights 
As a holder of an Ausländerausweis "B" Swiss residence permit, David Chase Taylor is entitled to the same rights and protections under the Swiss Constitution as a Swiss citizen. Despite Taylor’s many attempts to communicate with and meet with the Migration Office of the Canton of Zürich via letters, emails and calls, Taylor has been denied due process in his case for political asylum, a clear violation of the Migration Office's legal responsibility under Swiss law. Read More

1. Taylor's right to equal treatment before the law has been denied (Art. 8, Sec. 1)
Taylor's right to not be discriminated against based on political convictions has been denied (Art. 8, Sec. 2)
Taylor's right to equal and fair treatment in judicial and administrative proceedings has been denied (Art. 29, Sec. 1)
Taylor's right to have his case for asylum decided within a reasonable time has been denied (Art. 29, Sec. 1)
Taylor's right to have his case for asylum be heard has been denied (Art. 29, Sec. 2)
Taylor's right to have free legal advice, assistance, and representation has been denied (Art. 29, Sec. 3)
Taylor's right to petition the authorities without prejudice has been denied (Art. 33, Sec. 1)
Taylor's right to receive receipt of petitions to authorities has been denied (Art. 33, Sec. 2)
Taylor's fundamental rights have not been upheld throughout the legal system (Art. 35, Sec. 1)
Employees acting on behalf of the state have denied Taylor his fundamental rights and have forsaken their duty to contribute to their implementation (Art. 35, Sec. 2)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Rand Paul: Obama will bail out Detroit ‘over my dead body’


Rand Paul: Obama will bail out Detroit ‘over my dead body’

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul will fiercely oppose any plan President Barack Obama’s may put forward to bail out Detroit.
“He is bailing them out over my dead body, because we don’t have any money in Washington,” Paul said in a phone interview with on Friday.
While the White House said Thursday they are monitoring the situation, there is no bail out in the works. However, Paul worried that Obama is “making indications that Detroit can be expected to be bailed out.”
Paul warned that if the president decided to bail out Detroit, his action would set a dangerous precedent for other cities and states that overspend recklessly.
“Those who don’t have their house in order, who are teetering on disaster, will continue to make bad decisions,” he said. “You don’t set up an implicit promise from the federal government that everybody is getting bailed out.”
Detroit is not the first nor the only city that has gotten itself in major financial trouble. A federal bailout would exasperate problems in other cities such as Stockton, California, which filed for bankruptcy, according to Paul.
“I mean, the statistics in California are staggering. I think there’s over 100,000 people there getting over $100,000 a year in retirement,” Paul said. “You got police chiefs in medium-sized cities getting $350,000 a year for a salary. It’s become untenable… We cannot send a signal from the federal government that cities and states are going to be too big to fail.”
If Detroit had been more fiscally responsible, the path back to stability would have been much easier, Paul explained.
“Bankruptcy in Detroit is going to be much harder than if ten years ago, they had started downsizing and making their pensions and salaries more commensurate with the private sector,” he said.
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Pilot Flying J CEO Jimmy Haslam said Tuesday that the raid Monday on his company's headquarters was part of a federal criminal investigation into claims of failure to pay rebates. ( J. MILES CARY/NEWS SENTINEL)$RETURN$$RETURN$

Pilot Flying J CEO Jimmy Haslam said Tuesday that the raid Monday on his company's headquarters was part of a federal criminal investigation into claims of failure to pay rebates. ( J. MILES CARY/NEWS SENTINEL)$RETURN$$RETURN$
Pilot Flying J CEO Jimmy Haslam said Tuesday that the raid Monday on his company's headquarters was part of a federal criminal investigation into claims of failure to pay rebates. ( J. MILES CARY/NEWS SENTINEL)$RETURN$$RETURN$

A Knoxville business and political empire five decades in the making was shaken to its core on Thursday by government allegations of a multi-million-dollar fraud that reached to the top of Pilot Flying J.
Three days after federal agents raided the company’s headquarters, the government released documents in which recorded conversations and information from unnamed informants were used to allege that the company for years preyed on trucking companies that bought diesel fuel from Pilot, which withheld millions of dollars in rebates.
In an affidavit, FBI special agent Robert H. Root said based on information obtained in the investigation, there is probable cause to believe certain Pilot employees have conspired and schemed to engage in rebate fraud for many years, targeting customers that were deemed to be too unsophisticated to notice their agreed-upon discount with Pilot was being changed.
According to the affidavit, a current sales employee identified as CHS-2 — shorthand for “confidential human source” — alleged that the fraud has occurred with the knowledge of Pilot CEO Jimmy Haslam and president Mark Hazelwood. Specifically, the person said rebate fraud-related activities have been discussed during sales meetings in Knoxville at which Hazelwood and Haslam were present.
In a statement issued Thursday evening, Haslam said he had read the affidavits, and “I now understand more clearly the questions the federal investigators are exploring.”
“I maintain that the foundation of this company is built on its integrity and that any willful wrongdoing by any employee of this company at any time is intolerable,” the statement said. “We will continue to cooperate with the federal investigation and continue our own investigation in these allegations.
“I value the relationships we have with our customers, our vendors and our team members across this country and regret that they have to go through this with us, but I trust and believe their faith in this company and its principles has never been misplaced.”
The affidavit said that in May of 2011 a source referred to as CHS-1 contacted the FBI to report knowledge of fraudulent activity by Pilot employees.
The affidavit said a current sales employee, CHS-2, had confided to CHS-1 that employees had been intentionally charging certain customers a higher price than the contractually agreed upon price, then concealing that fact.
The affidavit said CHS-2, a current regional director of sales, was contacted by agents in October and confirmed the existence of the fraud.
The affidavit said that in October, federal agents interviewed Cathy Giesick — identified as a former regional sales manager who sold diesel fuel to trucking companies — at her home in Temple, Texas.
According to the affidavit, Giesick told agents that one reason she left Pilot was because of her discomfort with its practice of intentionally lowering customer rebate amounts.
The affidavit said Giesick stated that while working for Brian Mosher — identified in the affidavit as the director of sales for national accounts — she discovered he was intentionally lowering the agreed-upon discount rate for diesel fuel purchases.
The affidavit said Giesick alleged that Mosher cut the rebates to customers because it made more money for Pilot and increased the commission he and any other sales person responsible for the customer would receive.
According to the affidavit, she also said that approximately three to four years ago she was in a meeting at Pilot headquarters which also included Mosher, Hazelwood, Haslam and Jonathan Duvall, a Pilot employee identified as the son-in-law of CFO Mitch Steenrod.
The affidavit said Giesick recalled that Mosher told Hazelwood, and Hazelwood acknowledged, that other employees were being promoted and that Mosher was making more money for Pilot by reducing customer rebates.
According to the affidavit, she also said that Mosher taught her that if a customer caught that she was deceptively cutting a rebate amount, she should blame the error on a computer glitch.
Duvall, Mosher, Giesick and Hazelwood could not be reached for comment.
The affidavit said that since Oct. 5, 2012, the FBI and IRS secured numerous recorded conversations involving Pilot employees.
During a meeting on Oct. 25, Pilot Vice President of Sales John Freeman allegedly described a situation with Nashville-based trucking firm Western Express in which Western discovered that they were not getting all the money they were due.
“And I said, alright, I’m gonna get you a check,” Freeman recalled, according to a transcript. “And he said, ‘Nah, I’ve got this airplane over here on the books for $7 million, I owe $1 million bucks on it, why don’t you just buy this airplane?’ And I’m like, ‘What....’ So I bought the (expletive) airplane.”
According to the transcript, Freeman went on to say that the plane wasn’t airworthy, so the company sold it in Nashville.
During a recorded conversation in February with CHS-2, Freeman allegedly made reference to buying an airplane, and was asked what “Mark and Jimmy” say about such events.
Freeman recalled telling “Jimmy” that “I got busted at Western Express.”
“I mean, he knew all along that I was cost-plussin’ this guy,” Freeman said, according to the transcript. “He knew it all along. Loved it. We were makin’ $450,000 a month on him. ... Why wouldn’t he love it?”
Freeman went on to say that the situation cost Pilot $1 million, but added that “we made $6 million on the guy, cost us a million bucks.”
Jimmy Haslam last year purchased the Cleveland Browns for more than a billion dollars, and has taken a highly visible role in that city. Greg Aiello, a spokesman for the National Football League, said Thursday that “We are going to respect the process of a federal investigation and decline comment.”
The Haslam family also plays a hugely influential role in Tennessee political and civic circles. Jimmy Haslam’s younger brother, Bill Haslam, is the governor of Tennessee and a former president of Pilot Corp, although he has not had an operational role at the company in years.
Bill Haslam was twice elected mayor of Knoxville before being elected governor in 2010, and was not mentioned in the affidavit.
David Smith, a spokesman for the governor, said in a statement Thursday night that “The governor is aware of the affidavit. He has faith in Pilot to do the right thing, and he continues to have absolute faith in his brother’s integrity. This investigation is in the early stages, and the governor would encourage people to withhold judgment until all of the facts are known.”
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