Monday, October 28, 2013

Supreme Court to be Tested in Ground Breaking Case over Virtually unregulated EPA Power

Supreme Court to be Tested in Ground Breaking Case over Virtually unregulated EPA Power

By Rob Janicki
The present Supreme Court term should be extremely interesting, as well as being monumentally important if, for no other single reason than this.  Let's start with the EPA, which has become a rogue administration agency that has come to circumvent the role of Congress and its oversight role.  The case before the court could mark the beginning of the end for the proponents of anthropogenic global warming and its twin deceit, the development of a carbon tax based exchange, a Ponzi scheme if there ever was one.

Does federal law empower the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate every non-moving source of carbon dioxide in America? The Supreme Court will decide that question in early 2014.   

This case cannot and should not be underestimated, since it will become a landmark case in several respects.  It will determine whether Congress's role of oversight of the EPA has been usurped and what can be done to rein in the EPA and the administration of the president to bring his office and actions in line with the Constitution.

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