Monday, October 28, 2013

Obama Becomes the Absentee president We Always Accused Him of Being

Obama Becomes the Absentee president We Always Accused Him of Being

By Elizabeth Nelson
Obama has been called and accused of many things, from celebrity president to vacationer-in-chief; even his opponents accuse him of being fonder of campaigning then governing, because he never seems to leave the campaign trail and get to work. 

Obama’s effort to revive the Obamacare software is now being run by Jeff Zients, a former management consultant at Bain & Company. “Jeff and his team are responsible for sort of the day-to-day monitoring of all this,” Earnest said about the rushed effort to repair the crippled website.. Read more Dailycaller

Have we all spoken his absentee fate into existence, as he seems to be distancing himself from one failing policy to another, and now from this failed and crippled website, or will he take to the campaign trail once again, to save his namesake cancerous website, instead of saving American Jobs and the Economy? Ironically, Obamacare is the poison, not the cure, for creating more jobs and improving our flailing economy, but we wouldn’t know that listening to Obama.

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