Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Contact Senator Mccaskill and other members of congress investigating criminal fraud in the military and demand that they investigate criminal fraud of commander -in-Chief of the military using a failed social Security number and fabricated IDs

Contact Senator Mccaskill and other members of congress investigating criminal fraud in the military and demand that they investigate criminal fraud of commander -in-Chief of the military using a failed social Security number and fabricated IDs

Posted on | February 5, 2014 | 2 Comments
Press Release
Law Offices of Orly Taitz
Senator McCaskill of MO, a former prosecutor, broke the news of the impending scandal and announced today results of investigation of the Army and National Guard and criminal fraud committed by members of the army and recruiters  in improperly getting the referral fees for recruitment. A program, which allowed $2,500-$7,000 in referral fees for recruitment, did not allow such fees to be paid as kickbacks to official recruiters, however allegedly as many as 1,200 recruiters got kickbacks from members of the military and their family members for recruitment. While not condoning alleged fraud by the members of the military and recruiters, Attorney Taitz is asking members of the public to contact Senator McCaskill and other members of  Congress, as well as Attorney General Eric Holder, to start immediate official investigation  of the criminal fraud committed by the Commander -In Chief of the US military, Barack Obama, who is using a CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which failed both E-verify and SSNVS and shows not to be assigned to Barack Obama. Further, according to Stephan Jeffrey Coffman, former Chief Investigator of the US Coast Guard, Obama’s Selective Service Registration for the US military is a forgery which contains a fabricated USPS stamp affixed to it. (see file below). Further, multiple investigators, experts and Sheriff Arpaio found Obama’s birth certificate to be a 100% forgery. It is a pinnacle of lawlessness and corruption for the attorney General of the United States, for the Department of Justice, to be investigating rank and file members of the military and on the other hand refusing to investigate and impeach criminal fraud committed by the Commander in Chief, a number of corrupt and treasonous officials in HI, in the federal government and in judiciary. Members of public are asked to call AG Holder and demand aforementioned investigation and prosecution or resignation of Eric Holder. Similarly, public is urged to call members of the US Congress and urge that they start doing their job and start Congressional hearings in investigating and impeaching citizen of Indonesia with bogus IDs Barry Soebarkah, aka Soetoro, aka Obama or if they refuse to do their job,demand that they resign, so that they can be replaced by people who have moral values, integrity and allegiance to this Nation and who will do their job.
Army faces massive recruiting fraud scandal…

Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi

Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi

Posted on | February 5, 2014 | 1 Comment

Activity in Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississippi et al Joinder in Document

2:20 PM (3 minutes ago)

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U.S. District Court
Southern District of Mississippi
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered by Begley, Samuel on 2/5/2014 at 4:20 PM CST and filed on 2/5/2014
Case Name: Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississippi et al
Case Number: 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA
Filer: Barak Hussein Obama

Obama for America

Nanci Pelosi
Document Number: 102

Docket Text:
Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi (Begley, Samuel)

Candidates For Open Georgia U.S. Senate Seat: Impeach Obama!

A forum moderator asked the candidates: “Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?”


Candidates For Open Georgia U.S. Senate Seat: Impeach Obama!

A forum moderator asked the candidates: “Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?”