Monday, March 3, 2014

UCLA Leftist Has Meltdown After Anti-Israel Resolution Is Defeated Leftists are spoiled brats who throw tantrums if they don't get their way.

UCLA Leftist Has Meltdown After Anti-Israel Resolution Is Defeated
Leftists are spoiled brats who throw tantrums if they don't get their way.

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UPDATE - Some have requested a transcript. This is the best I could find, courtesy of Moshe Ringler at Youtube:

I never talk, I’m always like, like I’m always like, like it fucking
sucks (incoherent gibberish) but I’ve never been so fucking disappointed
that the (incoherent gibberish) terrorize them (incoherent gibberish)
so pissed off and I always bite my tongue during these meetings but I’ve
never been so fucking disappointed on anything. People are getting hurt
and we could have stopped it and (incoherent gibberish) we fucking blew
it and I’m sorry (incoherent gibberish) 12 hours and we all did and we
all listened to this and I’m like I went, sorry for blowing up right now
and I’m so disappointed about this (incoherent gibberish) but like I
just wanted to know that like I like know that about it all the time
(incoherent gibberish)…. And it was so terrible, and my sister was like,
“I’m so sorry you have to go through that”, and she saw me and she
asked me, “what’s wrong, why are you crying?” and I was like the whole
world should be crying right now (incoherent gibberish) 

Glick to Obama: 'You're Not Scaring Us'

Glick to Obama: 'You're Not Scaring Us'

Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post columnist and author of the forthcoming The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, reacted swiftly Sunday evening to President Barack Obama's suggestion that he would warn Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday that time is running out for Israel to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians: "I think Obama needs to realize that he is not scaring us," she said.

Obama made his comments in a Thursday interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, which was released Sunday afternoon. He warned that "the window is closing for a peace deal that both the Israelis can accept and the Palestinians can accept--in part because of changes in demographics," and added that Israel was on a path "to what amounts to a permanent occupation of the West Bank," along with international pressure and isolation.
Glick disputed Obama's claims vigorously. "The demographic data [Obama] is using to threaten Israel with destruction are phony. Even officials at the U.S. Census Bureau privately acknowledge that demographics work in Israel's favor and to the Palestinians' detriment," she said, noting that Palestinian growth had been inflated.
"When he talks about a permanent occupation, we speak of a permanent liberation. We are not 'occupying' the West Bank of the Jordan. These areas are part of the sovereign territory allocated to the Jewish people by the international community as far back as 1922. They were never granted to anyone else in a legally binding way.
"More than three quarters of the Jews of Israel believe in incorporating all or parts of the West Bank into Israel on a permanent basis," she added. "We know the two-state peace plan is a lie. We know the PLO wants to destroy Israel more than it wants a Palestinian state. And we know that we will not lose our Jewish majority if we incorporate the West Bank into Israel.
"He says, beware and we say, 'Bring it on. We aren't afraid of you.'"

At White House, Israel's Netanyahu pushes back against Obama diplomacy

At White House, Israel's Netanyahu pushes back against Obama diplomacy


Netanyahu shakes hands with Obama as they sit down to meet in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington
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Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) shakes hands with U.S. President Barack Obama as they …
By Jeffrey Heller and Matt Spetalnick
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bluntly told Barack Obama on Monday that he would never compromise on Israel's security even as the U.S. president sought to reassure him on Iran nuclear diplomacy and pressure him on Middle East peace talks.
In a White House meeting overshadowed by the Ukraine crisis, the two leaders avoided any direct clash during a brief press appearance but were unable to paper over differences on a pair of sensitive diplomatic drives that have stoked tensions between them.
Obama assured Netanyahu of his "absolute commitment" to preventing Iran from developing atomic weapons, despite the Israeli leader's deep skepticism over U.S.-led efforts to reach a final international deal to curb Tehran's nuclear program.
But, warning that time was running out, Obama also urged Netanyahu to make "tough decisions" to help salvage a faltering U.S.-brokered peace process aimed at reaching a framework agreement with the Palestinians and extending talks beyond an April target date for an elusive final accord.
"The Israeli people expect me to stand strong against criticism and pressure," Netanyahu told the president.
Obama and Netanyahu, who have had strained relations in the past, showed no outright tension as they sat side-by-side in the Oval Office. Both were cordial and businesslike. But their differences were clear, and when the talks ended after nearly three hours there was no immediate sign of progress.
Netanyahu arrived in Washington to a veiled warning from Obama that it would be harder to protect Israel against efforts to isolate it internationally if peace efforts failed.
The Israeli prime minister used their brief joint appearance to put the onus on the Palestinians to advance prospects for peace and also to vow to hold the line on what he sees as Israel's security imperative.
In his remarks, Netanyahu offered Obama what was essentially a history lesson covering the last 20 years of conflict with the Palestinians as well as what Israelis see as an existential threat from Iran, arch-foe of the Jewish state.
"Iran calls openly for Israel's destruction, so I'm sure you'll appreciate that Israel cannot permit such a state to have the ability to make atomic bombs to achieve that goal," Netanyahu said. "And I, as the prime minister of Israel, will do whatever I must do to defend the Jewish state."
Obama is seeking room for diplomacy with Iran, while Netanyahu, who has stoked U.S. concern in the past with threats of unilateral strikes on Iran's nuclear sites, has complained that sanctions on Tehran are being eased prematurely.
The meeting with Netanyahu marked a new direct foray into Middle East peacemaking by Obama, whose first-term efforts ended in failure.
Secretary of State John Kerry has been trying to persuade Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to agree to a framework deal that would enable land-for-peace negotiations to continue, even though there is widespread skepticism inside and outside of the region about his chances for success.
Abbas, who seeks Palestinian statehood, is due at the White House on March 17. He has resisted Netanyahu's demand, repeated during the Oval Office meeting, for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
Netanyahu appeared to be pushing back implicitly against Obama's warning in a Bloomberg View interview of "international fallout" for Israel if peace efforts break down and the building of Jewish settlements continues.
Israelis, increasingly concerned about an anti-Israel boycott movement, view such U.S. warnings as an attempt to squeeze out concessions.
Possibly further complicating the talks, an Israeli government report showed that Israeli construction starts of settler homes had more than doubled last year.
Palestinians seek to establish a state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Israel captured those areas in the 1967 Middle East war and in 2005, pulled out of the Gaza Strip, now run by Hamas Islamists opposed to Abbas's peace efforts.
"Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say that the Palestinians haven't," Netanyahu said, an assertion he is likely to repeat on Tuesday to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC, a past podium for some of his most strident speeches.
Obama commended Netanyahu for his role in the talks that resumed in July but warned that "the time frame that we have set up for completing these negotiations is coming near."
"It's my belief that ultimately it is still possible to create two states," he said. "But it's difficult and it requires compromise on all sides."
Palestinians point to Israeli settlement-building in occupied West Bank territory as the main obstacle to peace.
Netanyahu told Obama that Jewish history taught Israelis that "the best way to guarantee peace is to be strong."
His remark harkened, but without the stridency, to an Oval Office visit in 2011 when he famously lectured the U.S. president on the long struggles of the Jewish people, as he sought to counter Obama's call to base any peace agreement on borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war.
Ukraine has dominated Obama's agenda. "I know you've got a few other pressing matters on your plate," Netanyahu joked to Obama, who used his press appearance to warn Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow faces international isolation for its military intervention in Ukraine's Crimea region.
On Iran, Obama and Netanyahu gave no real sign of progress in bridging fundamental differences.
Netanyahu, whose country is widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed nation, has denounced as a "historic mistake" an interim deal that world powers reached with Iran in November, under which it agreed to curb sensitive nuclear activities in return for limited sanctions relief.
He has insists that any final deal must completely dismantle Tehran's uranium enrichment centrifuges, a position that is at odds with Obama's suggestion that Iran, which says its nuclear program is peaceful, could be allowed to enrich on a limited basis for civilian purposes.
On Netanyahu's visit to Congress, where pro-Israel sentiment runs strong, House Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor told him he backed his demands to dismantle Iran's nuclear program and for Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
(Additional reporting by Mark Felsenthal, Roberta Rampton; Editing by Bernadette Baum, Tom Brown and Mohammad Zargham)

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Unasked questions fog facts on Benghazi Pentagon sensed terrorism quickly

Unasked questions fog facts on Benghazi

Pentagon sensed terrorism quickly

Republican lawmakers have failed to pin down senior military officials on how they characterized the Benghazi attack to the White House and President Obama on Sept. 11, 2012, the day terrorists stormed a U.S. diplomatic mission and bombed a CIA annex in the eastern Libyan city.
The issue gained importance in January when Republican members of the House Committee on Armed Services released former top-secret transcripts of senior officials testifying on the military’s response to Benghazi.
For the first time, it was disclosed that retired ArmyGen. Carter Ham, then head of U.S. Africa Command, testified that he had told Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, that day that Americans in Benghazi were under attack by terrorists, not demonstrators. He said both men agreed.
The Jan. 13 disclosure opened another avenue of inquiry on Benghazi. It also spurred reports among conservative media that the nation’s two most senior military leaders immediately knew the assault was a terrorist attack and must have told the president that day.
A White House reporter told presidential spokesman Jay Carney that the House transcripts showed that Gens. Ham and Dempsey and Mr. Panetta “believed within minutes of the attack” that it was “probably a terror attack.”
But a review of Gen. Ham’s June 26 testimony shows he never was asked precisely when he came to that conclusion. Was it when he met with Mr. Panetta and Gen. Dempsey before they went to the White House and spoke with the president? Or was it after they returned to the Pentagon a short time later and the three gained more information as the CIA annex attack began? A precise answer is not in the transcripts.
In addition, House Armed Services Committee members did not ask Gen. Dempsey, when he appeared, exactly how he characterized the attack to the president in light of Gen. Ham’s testimony.
Mr. Panetta did not testify before Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations, which took the testimony in closed sessions last year from Gens. Dempsey and Ham, and other military leaders.
House Armed Services Committee spokesman Claude Chafin defended Republican committee members’ work.
“I think it is important to reinforce what this briefing series sought to do,” Mr. Chafin said. “It was not to answer every question about Benghazi, or even every question under DOD’s jurisdiction. It was to look at the actions of the operational chain of command from the lieutenant colonel on the ground in Libya all the way up to Gen. Dempsey.
“In part, we wanted to better understand the rationale behind a military posture that was clearly inadequate, given the instability in the region in the run-up to the attack. Once we had been briefed by the chain of command, we felt we had enough information to reach some interim conclusions, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other questions and other witnesses to hear from — including Panetta.”
When Republicans released the transcripts, Mr. Carney went on the attack.
“So I think there has been a lot of reporting on this, and there has been a lot of inaccurate reporting on it, generally speaking, not just this particular case of House Republicans selectively releasing more testimony to outlets so that they can use it for political purposes,” the White House spokesman said.
Mr. Chafin said Republicans did no such thing.
“We publicly released all of the testimony, which DOD declassified with the full knowledge of what we were going to do with it, at one time, without any editorial comment,” he said. “We believe that these transcripts speak for themselves.”
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Contact Senator Mccaskill and other members of congress investigating criminal fraud in the military and demand that they investigate criminal fraud of commander -in-Chief of the military using a failed social Security number and fabricated IDs

Contact Senator Mccaskill and other members of congress investigating criminal fraud in the military and demand that they investigate criminal fraud of commander -in-Chief of the military using a failed social Security number and fabricated IDs

Posted on | February 5, 2014 | 2 Comments
Press Release
Law Offices of Orly Taitz
Senator McCaskill of MO, a former prosecutor, broke the news of the impending scandal and announced today results of investigation of the Army and National Guard and criminal fraud committed by members of the army and recruiters  in improperly getting the referral fees for recruitment. A program, which allowed $2,500-$7,000 in referral fees for recruitment, did not allow such fees to be paid as kickbacks to official recruiters, however allegedly as many as 1,200 recruiters got kickbacks from members of the military and their family members for recruitment. While not condoning alleged fraud by the members of the military and recruiters, Attorney Taitz is asking members of the public to contact Senator McCaskill and other members of  Congress, as well as Attorney General Eric Holder, to start immediate official investigation  of the criminal fraud committed by the Commander -In Chief of the US military, Barack Obama, who is using a CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which failed both E-verify and SSNVS and shows not to be assigned to Barack Obama. Further, according to Stephan Jeffrey Coffman, former Chief Investigator of the US Coast Guard, Obama’s Selective Service Registration for the US military is a forgery which contains a fabricated USPS stamp affixed to it. (see file below). Further, multiple investigators, experts and Sheriff Arpaio found Obama’s birth certificate to be a 100% forgery. It is a pinnacle of lawlessness and corruption for the attorney General of the United States, for the Department of Justice, to be investigating rank and file members of the military and on the other hand refusing to investigate and impeach criminal fraud committed by the Commander in Chief, a number of corrupt and treasonous officials in HI, in the federal government and in judiciary. Members of public are asked to call AG Holder and demand aforementioned investigation and prosecution or resignation of Eric Holder. Similarly, public is urged to call members of the US Congress and urge that they start doing their job and start Congressional hearings in investigating and impeaching citizen of Indonesia with bogus IDs Barry Soebarkah, aka Soetoro, aka Obama or if they refuse to do their job,demand that they resign, so that they can be replaced by people who have moral values, integrity and allegiance to this Nation and who will do their job.
Army faces massive recruiting fraud scandal…

Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi

Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi

Posted on | February 5, 2014 | 1 Comment

Activity in Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississippi et al Joinder in Document

2:20 PM (3 minutes ago)

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The following transaction was entered by Begley, Samuel on 2/5/2014 at 4:20 PM CST and filed on 2/5/2014
Case Name: Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississippi et al
Case Number: 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA
Filer: Barak Hussein Obama

Obama for America

Nanci Pelosi
Document Number: 102

Docket Text:
Joinder in Document by Barak Hussein Obama, Obama for America, Nanci Pelosi to [100] Response in Opposition, filed by Loretta Fuddy, Alvin Onaka, [98] Response in Opposition, filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi (Begley, Samuel)

Candidates For Open Georgia U.S. Senate Seat: Impeach Obama!

A forum moderator asked the candidates: “Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?”


Candidates For Open Georgia U.S. Senate Seat: Impeach Obama!

A forum moderator asked the candidates: “Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?”